Rising Storm 2 : Vietnam - Hue City (2017)

Hue City is a map that focuses on medium and close quarter urban combat, which is in stark contrast to the majority of the other maps which shipped with RS2. Hue is a fascinating city, with a mix of modern and old imperial architecture intertwined. I wanted to bring the different architectural elements together which meant I had to condense the design whilst keeping a believable and authentic feeling.

I was responsible for the design, working closely with artists to create flexible art kits, complete art pass, lighting and composition, optimizing and creating additional assets including models, materials and PFX.
Credits :
Thorsten Hartrampf - Most of the buildings, architecture, hard surface props and materials
Tom Wydeven - Vehicles
Jan-Philipp Küppers - Foliage and vast majority of materials
Sam Prescott - A number of small props

July 10, 2017