Volga Banks - (2018)

Volga Banks was made in close collaboration with Elliot Burgess using Red Orchestra 2 as a platform. The map is set during the Battle of Stalingrad before the onset of winter, where the Red Army was desperately clinging on to a thin slither of land on the banks of the Volga River. We crafted a war ravaged city with intricate detail, interesting combat spaces and paths winding through trenches connecting basements and buildings. The environment was tailored to the type of gameplay experience we wanted, dozens of huge unique buildings complete with interiors were made to achieve this.

My work on the level involved:
- Modelling and texturing all of the buildings and new props, which included a rubble and destruction kit
- Creating flexible materials that could be used across the whole map
- Creating PFX such as smoke and atmospherics
- Optimising individual assets and the level as a whole
- Art passing all of the building interiors and exteriors and level facade

May 29, 2018