Omaha Beach - Hell Let Loose

Omaha Beach in Hell Let Loose is set in the Dog Green sector of the Beach, below the small town of Vierville-sur-Mer. The beach landing scene in Saving Private Ryan also portrayed this area and was a big influence for us.

Omaha was a big team effort, working alongside level designer Andrew Lett, I was responsible for a large part of the design and supported the team with level art, direction and assets as a 3D Artist. A challenging level to work on with varied terrain. Researching the area and landings was very interesting, but carried a sadness with it. Looking at hi-res aerial photography taken when the landings were taking place clearly showed the brutal loss of life.

Big thanks to the Hell Let Loose art team for their involvement:

Level Design and Level Art - Andrew Lett
Project Lead, Lighting, atmospherics, design, and art support - Max Rea
Lead Environment Artist - Danny Ivan Flu

April 11, 2020